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The Day That
Legendary Men’s Care

That's the number of men in America who commit suicide every day.
On January 25th, 2022 my dad became one of the 105.
My dad was a Legend in my eyes as a kid...
Successful. President of our youth football organization. Commanded attention in any room with his personality. Incredible coach and amazing father.
But he didn't stay that way. In fact...
This man who was full of fire and passion...
Become a complete shell of who he once was. {It’s hard for me to even say that because I want to honor him and not magnify his lowest moments, but this is the truth}
I did all I knew how to light his flame again.
I wrote him workout programs. Nutrition plans. Tried giving him health tips here and there. Be a listening ear. Tried to encourage him in his gifts and talents that I admired him for…
In hindsight I could have done better.
The stress and curveballs of life...
Lifestyle choices…
The constant bombardment of chemicals and poor sleep dismantled him.
He Suffered From Low Testosterone For Over A Decade...
And just about EVERY symptom of it: Depression. Bad sleep. Lack of energy and motivation. Trouble losing weight. See…
Low-T isn't just an “inconvenience.”
It's a sentence to a long miserable life...
Or in my dad's case and many others… a death sentence from both a physical and mental standpoint. {Not being dramatic, there are many studies to back up how low testosterone not only leads to numerous health problems, but mental/emotional problems as well}

I'll never forget my wife handing me the phone at around 8 pm on January 25th 2022…
On the other line was my little brother who could barely string the sentence together...
“Dad killed himself.”
All I could do was scream and cry.
In my process of trying to cope months later...
I did some research on the symptoms of suicide…
Shockingly there was an article explaining that men who stop brushing their teeth and following other basic hygiene practices are more likely to be suicidal.
I guess it’s a small way of committing “self-harm”.
I can’t put my finger on exactly when, but my dad stopped brushing his teeth as far as I can remember back.
He just sprayed some mint spray a few times a day and that was it.
So I believe it was Divinely inspired that the very first product we created at Legendary Men’s Care just so happened to be our hormone friendly toothpaste for men.
While I couldn't save my dad…
Our core mission at Legendary Men’s Care is to serve guys like my dad. The “every man”... and play a part in transforming your life.
The way I see it...
Every Man Alive Has A Flame Inside

You might have a huge flame...
Bursting with passion, and a desire to live the healthiest, most energized, longest life you can...
Or you may have a small dull flame...
And you're just trying to make it through today... and hopefully tomorrow.
Regardless of the size of your flame...
My obsession is that Legendary Men's Care be the gasoline to pour on your fire…
Helping your flame burn brighter, burn longer, and burn stronger than ever.
That's why we're not your typical "men’s hygiene" company. Sure...
We’re gonna equip you with every personal care product you can imagine, the Legendary way… Void of testosterone-lowering endocrine disruptors and hippie moob oils...
We're also gonna give you workouts... Nutrition tips... Lifestyle hacks... Sleep hacks...
Everything you will need to live life to the fullest...
Be around for your kids and their kids...
Keep the spark alive with your girlfriend or spouse...
Be confident and strong when you look in the mirror...
And feel like a CHAMPION when you start your day... and accomplished when you lay your head on your pillow.
We are hellbent on serving Legends like you {and yes you are a Legend!}
This life is worth living... and living to the fullest!
We're in your corner...
And will always have your back.
Whether your kids tell you enough.
Whether your spouse tells you enough.
Whether your friends, co-workers, employees tell you enough...
Whether you tell yourself enough.
Joe LoGalbo
Co-Founder Legendary Men’s Care
In honor of my dad, Manny, and the countless lives your story will save.